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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 1 and 2 pre-op

first of all it has been a long couple of days.  sorry that I didnot get this started earlier but we have been very busy.  Yesterday was Day 1 of Kendras tests for surgery and all went really well.  We started with labs drawn at A-5 Hemoc-onc.  We were able to see Anna and Rich from BMT!!  Dr Wallace is on his 10 days off but told them to hug Kendra for us!!  They had to stick Kendra twice because of an accident and the nurse spilled a whole tube.  We then went to Ortho where we had three new x-rays and met with Dr Jayne and Dr Crawford.  They seemed very confident about Kendras upcoming proceedure and look for "nothing less than the one they did last week" (due to hippa they didnt mention names but we know who they are talking about right Elizabeth??  LOL  Kendras current curvature is 55degrees (on the bolus) sorry for my spelling.  Kendra was aggitated and did not cooperate very well as they tried to do some measureing and weights but they were happy with what they had. Dr Jayne added an appointment for this week to have a sedated CT scan to measure for her rods and screws.   We finally proceeded to Cardio with Dr Kimball where we waited 3 hours before they even did her EKG.  When the Dr came in he was quick as he had just seen her in September and said everything still looks great and her micro-valve and PDA was unchanged and he felt we would never have issues with them from the earlier tests.  SOUNDS GREAT!! Finally we were able to make it back to the room about 6:30pm and Kendra and I was done.  She had only  had snacks since breakfast and had no nap, she was not friendly and very clingy!  Today Wednesday we started the day NPO after 6AM in anticipation of her CT AT 2:00, our first appointment was 8:30am with Pulmonology (a new field for us), they were pleased although they scheduled us with home health to do an overnight study on oxygen saturation.  They assured me that this is a precaution to give them a better idea of her breathing under sedation.  We then proceeded to anesthesia where we pre-registered and voiced past experiences Kendra has had with sedation, intubation, and pain management.  We proceeded to radiology where they informed me they were running behind and it would be approximately 4:00 before they could take us in and I made them resecedule for Friday at 7:00am.  After the long trip up on Monday and the very long day at the hospital Tuesday Kendra could not handle another day with all the stress, no rest or meals.  She was very agitated and needed to relax and rest (she was very glad to get back to the room and strip and eat the cabinets bare!!!)  I did get the chance to briefly talk with Elizabeth and Bella.  She looks marvelous and is a inspiration to me.  Tomorrow is a much shorter day and I plan on a visit.  Michelle was off today and I will have Kendras labs tomorrow and will post them with her update.  Please be patient I know the page is bare right now but I am learning to do this and have alot of stuff to add.  If anyone wants to help I would appreciate it.  Missing home, family and friends as I called home and Kiristen cried asking me to come home she missed me so :(   xooxooxoo