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Monday, September 17, 2012

Yearly check ups

Our trip to Cincinnati yeseterday went great.  But I do have an unusal event to report.  We left home at 12:30pm and arrived her at 6:15pm.  We only stopped one time for lunch and potty break, and everyone did great with their movies........the strange thing is that NO ONE took a nap the entire way.lol  that is just so odd.  We are now staying in Florence and I really like the neighborhood. Today has been a very good day considering we should have been at the dr offices all day but ended up getting done about 1:00.  So here is what little I know so far:  First thing this morning at 8:15 we had to be at the Anderson Campus to see Dr Tamai for our yearly hip and knee consult.  We had xrays and reviewed the past years events.  The doctor is amazed that Kendra has the basic hurler's hips and knees but are not quite what he is used to seeing.  He has NEVER seen a hurles kiddo that has the range in her hips that she has or that can actually sit indian style with no restrictions.  The plan is to do surgery in January in two stages.  We will do the right side of her hips and right knee first and then a few weeks later do the left.   The left side appears to be the most affected although he tells me that this is a much smaller degree augmentation than they have seen in these kids.  We then had to go to the main campus for ECHO and EKG where Kendra tolerated them both very well.  We will see Dr Car tomorrow for these results.  Our last appointment today was scheduled for 3:00pm but we were able to be seen by 1:00( whew).  We visited with Dr Cornwall and reviewed the results of the carpal tunnel and trigger release susrgery that we had six weeks ago.  He was very pleased, although it was not a home run but now she is in the ball game.  The change in range and her dexteraty has been remarkable.  We knew that there would not be 100% reversal of the damage but the goal was to give her better usage and comfort.  As of right now she is doing things she couldnt do before and as he told me today we are still early out there is alot of healing left to do.  That made me feel I made the right decision and went ahead with the surgery that we were unsure of.  God has been good to us and has guided the doctors hands and encouraged their knowledge with helping Kendra.  What more could I ask for???????  I will update again tomorrow, Kiristen brought a whole weeks full of homework and we just ordered pizza ( their favorite is Domino's).  Kiristen has been such a help and a great big sister, I am so proud of her.  Good night and will write more tomorrow.  God Bless